We have a 14 day returns policy, this is valid from the day you receive your order. If you send us a return outside of this time frame, it will be returned to you at your own cost.

If you receive an item that is damaged or faulty please do contact us immediately so that we can rectify your order. Items that are returned need to be in the same condition you receive them in, un used & in the original packaging. This means no odours/pet hair on the products.

Please email us at [email protected] to discuss your return before sending to back to us.

Please see the sizing chart attached to every clothing product before purchasing, as we are unable to accept returns if you have not measured your pet before purchasing. If your pet is in between sizes we recommend that you size up.

We are unable to accept returns for perishable goods, such as:

  1. Food/treats
  2. Made to order items
  3. Grooming products
  4. Any liquids (including pet friendly cleaning products, hygiene products).

We also do not offer a return or refund on any seasonal stock.

Refunds are only given if you have received a damaged or faulty item.
We do not cover the costs of a return.